Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Go Pot-lucky

Hello, readers!
(Are you out there, readers?)

I'm writing to you from the inside of Lisa's kitchen, where elaborate preparations for a potluck picnic are currently taking place. Being the ambitious potluck-hostesses that we are, we've made a carrot-cake (with homemade cream cheese frosting!) and a vegetable pizza. ...I'm now an expert at preparing white, creamy substances.

This frosting doesn't require powdered sugar or whipped cream - just cream cheese, honey, brown sugar and a little butter. Yum! I feel a little bit diabetic now because I ate all of the leftover frosting... see left.

Here's Lisa with the vegetable pizza. This is no traditional pizza, folks.
Look at all those vegetables she cut! What a pro. You can't see it beneath the forest of vegetables, but there is a layer of cream cheese-ranch-mayonnaise sauce and a crescent roll crust underneath (lovingly prepared by yours truly).

These are sure to be smash hits. ...

Until next time (although Lisa will have to hold down the blogging fort until I get back from China),

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Classy cookies for classy folks

As it turns out, when all necessary ingredients are present, cookies do not require several hours to make. Janel and I are going to a barbecue tomorrow, and we wanted to bring a dapper addition to the table. (The pictures do not do the suave quality of our cookies justice...bear with us)

To make your own cookies, use this recipe.

A few notes: we used regular chocolate chips instead of white chocolate chips due to our lack of white chocolate chips. Also, the consistency of the batter at the end of the mixing process may seem particularly dense. That is okay! They will turn out great...even if you're mixing with chopsticks.

Bon appetit!

So, one day in gym class..

two unassuming Asians met during some intense team building exercises. Beginning with a shared inability to successfully jump over a rope on cue, they discovered a mutual bond that would last for years to come.

This is the result of their friendship and quest for knowledge, both practical and..not, four years later.
